Innovation for the new normal
Effective digital transformation for your business
ESG management toward the sustainable future
More than integrity

About CLT

CLT是以创新技术为基础,向国际物流产业提供Digital Transformation的海运/港口/物流IT公司。

  • 22+ Years
  • 700+ Employees
  • 15+ Shipping Companies
  • 36+ Terminals
  • 140+ Logistics Companies
  • 30+ Countries




Container Shipping Liner Solution

ALLEGRO是为了提高海运船运公司的服务竞争力与应对活跃的国际环境变化,引入最新的运营系统与程序等,支持数码转换(Digital Transformation)的统合船运公司运营解决方案。ALLEGRO以网络为基底的开放式体系结构保障定制稳定性,通过国际船运公司验证过的统合运营解决方案。

Container Liner Operation Solution

OPUS Container是统合运营集装箱所发生的所有业务,可进行有效管理的海运集装箱船解决方案。从预约装船开始至到达目的地,向顾客安全传递货物,通过国际标准的业务方式与符合步骤的中央集中式管控,可进行系统的程序管理。

Carriers Collaboration Solution


Bulk Shipping Solution

OPUS Bulk支持大型及中小型散货船运公司的战略决定,分析商务结果的散货船商务解决方案。为了应对散货船商务市场的变动性与不确实性,散货船运公司通过Digital Transformation,更加有效地管理流程,分析Shipping数据,将运营效率性最大化。
OPUS Stowage

Stowage Planning Solution

OPUS Stowage作为集装箱船运公司为了有效的集装箱运输而提供最优化的装/卸货计划的解决方案,连接码头,要求执行装船业务等管理各种Stowage数据。

Dangerous Goods Management Solution

海运产业为了提前预防海上运输中可能会发生的危险事故,对特殊货物中的危险货物管理是经常主要顾虑的事项。最近由于海上运输增加,特殊货物量增加,更加安全系统的危险物品管理被认为是更加重要的问题。OPUS DGL是在海上运输中管理装船的特殊货物中的危险货物的,危险货物统合管理解决方案。
OPUS Terminal

Container Terminal Operation and Decision Support System

OPUS Terminal不仅处理集装箱码头固有业务如集装箱装-卸船、分类、保管的业务,也是可以游刃应对新要求的码头业务的码头解决方案。 海上运输货量在持续增加,船运公司在强化联盟,将船舶大型化,以此来应对货量的增加。码头为了处理大型船舶,在进行大型化及自动化,为了船舶的定时性,在被要求高的生产性。不仅被要求改善基础设施与通过装备自动化改善技术,也被要求根据扩大港口信息共享改善服务。
OPUS Terminal M

Multipurpose Terminal Operation System

OPUS Terminal M是支持集装箱、杂货、 滚装等运营的多目的码头运营解决方案。OPUS Terminal M也可适用于集装箱、滚装、散货专用码头,是在处理多种货物的多目的码头也可以使用一个系统处理所有货量的码头运营解决方案。

Digital Twin and Data Analysis Platform

现在码头为了有效的运营与安全,从运营系统(TOS)与闸口( Gate )、外部货车、堆场货车、堆场起重机( Yard crane )、到港岸起重机,有机连接多种码头装备,以相互运营作为目标。 OPUS Digiport基于IoT平台,提供2D&3D假想码头系统。

Total Advanced Billing System

TABS将复杂的码头计费业务自动化,是为顾客提供24/7的在线服务的码头自动计费专门解决方案。全世界的码头都在从半自动化发展为完全的自动化。 但是在码头的业务中,计算费用的计费业务是转为自动化时复杂且棘手的业务。码头的费用按服务、顾客类别具有相当复杂的结构,费率结构也不同。特别是各个码头有不同的费用体制,所以码头的计费业务很难自动化,现在也仍依赖于手动操作。

Demurrage & Detention Management Solution (SaaS)

OPUS D&D是以船运公司/国家类别的公休日及周末信息与 Tariff信息为基础,代替复杂的手动操作,自动计算 Demurrage & Detention费用的解决方案。 在过去的几年间,缩减Free Time的反面, 随着全世界性的Demurrage与Detention费用的上涨,缩减 Demurrage와 Detention费用成为了运输企业的主要课题。但是,国家类别公休日/周末信息与各船运公司的Tariff合并后,很难自动管理Free Time,各船运公司签订的合约条件也不同,所以适用对特定货物的Exception,计算费用需要很多手动操作。

Data Integration Platform

SmartLink是以数据与技术,连接企业与企业物流的iPaaS平台。 SmartLink从国际船运公司的EDI服务开始,根据货代企业的要求,提供美国海关提前申报的功能,也扩张了 Customs Filing Service、船运公司-货主连接服务、物流EDI服务等类别,开设了多种服务。

Freight Forwarding & Warehousing Solution

现在向发运人与物流相关人员提供支持商务流程的游刃性,提升运输可见度及缩减费用是非常重要的议题。CARIS是支持 Freight Forwarding、NVOCC及3PL公司的货物运输、仓库管理以及国际连接的,以网络为基础的单一平台。



Offshore Development Service

随着 AI,IoT,元宇宙等的普遍化与以在线为中心的服务急速扩散,企业的SW开发人员的需求也在持续增长。但对比需求,因限定的人力资源,很难聘用人力于适时适当的岗位,人员经费的急速上涨也加重了企业的负担。CLT的ODC服务应用越南具有竞争力的IT人力,以多种产业的顾客公司为对象,代办或支持软件开发、维护、运营业务。

Positive Outcomes for Logistics Operations

随着产业结构的变化,很多部分都已自动化或数据化,但在产业流程内,手动填写或者未统一的多种形态的文书作业仍占据很大部分。 SHINE是从发货与制作,调配与流通,消费者的购买,到提供服务,可以将在所有领域制成的多种形态的文本正确快速地数据化并且管理的解决方案。
Insight & News


Terminal Design and Operation A Simulation-Based Strategy to Enhance Continuity
The use of simulation in terminal design and operation is becoming increasingly important. Installing terminal infrastructure is costly, and the layout of the terminal determines its capacity and the equipment that can be used. Simulation is also used to identify potential problems that may arise during operation, allowing for the development of countermeasures in advance. As a result, simulation is a crucial tool in the design and operation stages of a terminal, ensuring efficiency and credibility of the system.■ Types of Simulation Utilized in the TerminalThere are three types of simulation utilized in the terminal, namely design stage simulation, operation simulation, and test-purpose simulation used equipment emulator.  Design Stage Simulation Design stage simulation is utilized for both greenfield and brownfield terminals to determine the optimal design for various layouts and equipment compositions. This simulation focuses on verifying estimated terminal volume information, including transshipment, targeted terminal volume space occupancy, and equipment occupancy based on the estimated monthly ship on depot volume and vessel volume. The simulation outcome helps to ensure that the physical terminal design meets the business goal. Operation Simulation Operation simulation is conducted to assess the operation performance of the terminal. It evaluates productivity while considering the variables that may arise during the operation and aims to predict and improve potential problems and bottlenecks in advance. This simulation includes productivity verification support and optimizes productivity by considering workflow in the terminal, equipment utilization rate, working time, and other factors. Test-Purpose Simulation Utilized Equipment Emulator in an automated terminal, the emulator-utilized simulation is carried out under the condition that the equipment, yard layout, and operation system have already been confirmed. It is utilized to verify the stability of automated equipment and terminal operation system and its performance through various operation scenario tests in a virtual environment. ■  Environmental changeSimulations have mainly been carried out in the greenfield during the design and operation stages. However, due to recent demand, verifying full automation by applying autonomous vehicles in non-fully automated and semi-automated terminals is necessary. Additionally, it requires converting to automation by remodeling using manual equipment and verifying stable operation during terminal integration and expansion. The terminal must be flexible in responding to volume increases by introducing automated equipment, which is why the verification of new equipment introduction is being done in operating terminals. As the various requirements grow, the demand for operation simulation is increasing. An automated Equipment Control System (ECS) must be selected in the automated terminal, along with the equipment. The simulation's complexity rises to meet the synergy with the appropriate equipment control system and operation system. The diagram below shows the Equipment-Controller-Operation System in Korea’s 1st fully automated terminal.     The automated terminal’s selected equipment type and operation strategy affect the yard layout structure. Depending on the provided ECS from the vendor, the Auto Guided Vehicle (AGV) also differs in driving lane strategy in the yard layout and Transponder's physical location. An integrated simulation for the design and operation stage is necessary. The integrated simulation can dynamically respond to changing conditions and provide simulation results for the circumstances of currently operating terminals. It may need to adapt and modify the system to comply with changing operational requirements. ■ Continuous Simulation in the design and operation stage Continuous simulation is an important tool used during both the design and operation stages. However, traditional simulations have limitations as they can only be used once, which makes it difficult to reflect the persistent changes that happen during actual operations. There are now more options for terminal operations, which can make it increasingly complex to choose the best one. For instance, when it comes to automatic transfer equipment like AGV, there are various options available such as Lift AGV, IGV with changed Transponder reclamation method, and AMR with autonomous driving function. The total gross productivity and TGS of the yard crane depends on whether the Cantilever uses equipment on both sides or one side only. With more options to choose from, the interaction and dependency also increase, making it even more important to find the optimal decision through simulation. By estimating the impact of each option, the simulation can help establish an effective strategy. It is necessary to evaluate and improve the stability and efficiency of the process, considering the increased interaction and dependency. Simulation can be applied at any stage, from the design phase to after the go-live stage. The Simulation, which can be applied before the design stage, even after the go-live stage, is needed. - Terminal layout, Equipment types, Simulation, which is configurable equipment quantity- Possible to apply the actual operating volume and operation patterns- Need future predictions about the current operation condition- The Simulation includes an equipment emulator- Likely to use a gate Import/Export volume pattern- Possible to process at least 200 times speed simulation (1month operation base, the simulation result for 720 hours non-stop operation simulation needs to be extracted within 4 hours max)- Draw the results that could confirm bottlenecks- Includes standard API for the equipment emulator – Compliance of TIC(Terminal Industry Committee) 4.0 equipment layer (level 1) data standardization The result below is for applying a hybrid layout to terminals in the construction stage, adjusting the transshipment ratio, and the scenario created in which the type of equipment used and the number of equipment are changed.-      Apply yard layout “Vertical Layout / End Loading” and “Horizontal Layout / Side Loading”-      Modify transshipment ratio (T/S ratio)-      Change the equipment type and quantityScenario definition for the simulation               Comparison Scenario Quay Mover Yard T/S STS Q’ty BackReach Lane Q’ty Mover Type Mover Q’ty Block Q’ty YC Q’ty End Loading Block T/S Rate AGV Operation 1a 8 4 AGV 36 16 32 50% 50% 1b 8           50% 50% 1c 8           50% 50% 1d 8           50% 50% Lift-AGV Operation 2a 8           50% 50% 2b 8 The data has been treated as confidential. Please contact CyberLogitec for more information.   50% 50% 2c 8 50% 50% 2d 8 50% 50% End Load Ratio 3a 8           100% 50% T/S Ratio 4a 8           50% 70% 4b 8           50% 60% 4c 8           50% 40% 4d 8           50% 30% Block Q’ty 5a 8           50% 50% B/R Qty 6a 8           50% 50% Please find below a breakdown of the analysis results from 15 different operation scenarios regarding average gang productivity, peak time productivity decline ratio, and operation time increase ratio compared to total gross operating time. The impact of peak time productivity decline is more critical for terminal operations than the off-peak period productivity decline of yard capacity and equipment.• Gang Productivity = Total Container Moves (VAN) / Gross Gang Operation Time (Total gross working time from all of applied STS)• GI (Gang Intensity) = Gross Gang Operation time / Gross working time (The operation time of STS which has the longest working time)The average GI is 2.43 in scenario “1c” Derive Peak time Productivity of the vessel experiencing bottlenecks based on GI value• High GI Productivity (Peak time Productivity) = Gang Productivity of the vessel which has more than GI value 3.0When Peak time productivity decreases by more than 10%Ÿ   100% end loading only operation (Scenario 3a) experienced the most decline in Peak time productivity (15.65%) Ÿ   When quantity of assigned mover is less (Scenario 1a – AGV x 36, Scenario 2a – LAGV x 32) Ÿ   When transshipment ratio is below 50% (Scenario 4c – T/S 40%, Scenario 4d – T/S 30%) Scenario-wise AGV Productivity and Waiting time  Comparison Scenario Agv total waiting time (m:s) Agv Productivity Agv waiting rate Agv total traveling distance (m) Agv un-laden Rate AGV Q'ty 1a 8:55 4.9 67.5% 916 49.5% 1b           1c           1d           LAGV Q'ty 2a           2b The data has been treated as confidential. Please contact CyberLogitec for more information.  2c 2d End Loading 3a           T/S Ratio 4a           4b           4c           4d           Block Q'ty 5a           B/R Q'ty 6a           Productivity comparison by AGV quantity Category KPI AGV 36 (1a) 40 (1b) 44 (1c) 48 (1d) Productivity Gross Gang Productivity 31.84       (High GI) Gross Gang Productivity 28.28       (High GI) Productivity decline ratio 11.19%       STS Average Gang Intensity 2.45 The data has been treated as confidential. Please contact CyberLogitec for more information.  Average Gang Operation time (h:m) 10:42 (High GI) Average Gang Operation Time 19:29 STS utilization rate 42.7%       YC YC Productivity     22.15   Average Moving Bay (bay)     7.15   YC utilization rate     38.6%   Mover Mover Productivity     4.60   Mover utilization rate     42.3%   (Discharge) STS waiting time     5:24   (Discharge) YC waiting time     2:52   (Loading) STS waiting time       6:14 (Loading) YC waiting time       5:23 Average mileage       944 Average empty mover rate       48.4% Yard Average Yard occupancy rate       52.9% Gate Average OTR Turn Time       10:41  Integrated operation simulation is a type of simulation that is useful throughout the whole process of a project, from its initial design stage to its post-go-live operation stage. This simulation allows you to test various scenarios, with free configuration options for terminal layout, equipment type, and quantity. By processing the simulation and applying the operation strategy provided as an outcome from the previous simulation, you can contribute to continuous operation improvement. CyberLogitec offers a simulation solution that supports all stages of terminal yard design, equipment selection, and operation optimization. OPUS Solutions can help improve productivity and system integration through simulation before the terminal's opening and continuous simulation tailored to the changing operating environment.Author: Lucy (Kyoung-Suk) Lee, Terminal Business Consultant, CyberLogitecThe article or images cannot be reproduced, copied, shared or used in any form without the permission of the author and CyberLogitec.Copyright,2024, All rights reserved
2024. 02. 01

Press Release

CyberLogitec announced the implementation of OPUS D&D (Demurrage & Detention) in Yusen Logistics
Nov 6, 2023 - CyberLogitec, the leading provider of maritime, port/terminal, and logistics operations technologies and a subsidiary of EUSU Holdings, announced in Nov 2023 that SaaS-based OPUS D&D (Demurrage & Detention) had been implemented in Yusen Logistics.   Yusen Logistics launched OPUS D&D service mainly in UK regions in April 2022, expanding the service to 19 countries, including the US, Europe, and China. Also, the expansion plan for the Southeast Asia region is scheduled. OPUS D&D has been introduced as per the needs of the independent system, which is capable of monitoring the Last Free Date before Free Time expiration and cost management in container DEM/DET.   OPUS D&D provides the management in container DEM/DET (Demurrage/Detention) for 3PL company. Most 3PL companies need help with cost management since DEM/DET cost is manually calculated. Systemic management in DEM/DET is complex because DEM/DET is calculated based on the information of complex charging structure in each shipping liner and region-wise and holiday. Moreover, it requires separate management for exceptions as, in many cases, free time is calculated by applying its freight contract condition for each shipping liner and shipper.   In collaboration with Yusen Logistics, one of the Top 20 3PL companies in the world, CyberLogitec developed and released OPUS D&D capable of interfacing with the 3PL Logistics system utilizing its own DEM/DET function, which is developed based on over 20 years of maritime business knowledge for container shipping. OPUS D&D provides container-wise Free time monitoring that interfaces with customers’ legacy operation system, advance confirmation of charge effective date, and calculation and verification of DEM/DET cost.    “OPUS D&D is a stable, scalable, and efficient independent cloud-based solution that offers an easy interface to the legacy system. DEM/DET cost, as per port pileup and disruption in the logistics network, DEM/DET cost has been a major issue for shipping liners and 3PL companies. We expect that many logistics companies, including Yusen Logistics’ successful implementation of OPUS D&D, could meet the operating cost reduction and efficient DEM/DET management by OPUS D&D.”, said Sung Jun Kim, Vice President of CyberLogitec.    
2023. 11. 07

Press Release

CyberLogitec注意到,企业在实施自动化计划时,往往会面临范围界定方面的挑战或成本方面的担忧。针对这些问题,CyberLogitec开始提供数据集成服务,为企业提供帮助。使用SmartLink的数据集成服务,客户不仅可以连接EDI,还可通过Oauth 2.0、Bearer Token等各种验证方法连接API,并通过电子流程集成实现文档和系统自动化,从而提高效率和降低成本。由于以前使用的EDI可读性低,要在数码港(CyberPort)全球航运业务网络(Global Shipping Business Network)中使用提单平台(eBL)服务,API连接是必不可少的。另一方面,通过CyberLogitec提供的SmartLink服务,可与在线平台、报关、仓库等物流合作伙伴实现快速、简便的数据集成。虽然这些在线平台有复杂的流程,如区块链安全认证,但海外许多航运公司和物流公司已经完成了采用。数据整合有助于管理物流业务的方方面面,如注册在线平台、处理货运、处理电子数据、填写海关文书和跟踪货物。它通过与合作伙伴和客户的数据连接,实时处理工作。他们还利用AIS数据与班轮公司数据之间的实时连接,提供船舶预计到达时间预测,帮助物流相关方获知货物的预计抵达日期。按照海运和物流流程去整合班轮公司/海关/仓库/客户的ERP等各种系统,是非常复杂的,而SmartLink的最大优势在于可以将多个系统的数据连接到一处。一般的IT服务由于其复杂和难以理解等特性,经常会在海运和物流过程中造成问题,而CyberLogitec在各种项目中积累了丰富的经验,因此可以做到无问题处理。此外,全天候服务台可随时随地提供服务。CyberLogitec最近宣布,可免费试用SmartLink的数据集成服务,付款方式多种多样,可以按文件处理,也可以按月付款。客户可登录CyberLogitec的网站(查询有关SmartLink数据集成服务的信息。关于CyberLogitecCyberLogitec利用创新技术为全球供应链赋能,应对运营挑战,提高可视性,满足行业需求。作为全球海运、港口和物流行业的领导者,该公司灵活的端到端解决方案和咨询服务帮助行业快速适应市场不断变化的需求。欲了解更多信息,请访问
2023. 10. 27


SmartLink (2) API function of SmartLink
SmartLink could process the data efficiently by offering an intuitive setup function to connect various logistics networks. Responding promptly and flexibly to the demand for new technology by the market helps customers process the data and connect the network smoothly.SmartLink supports the various types of API connections. It’s known that many shipping liners are considering connecting the logistics networks such as GSBN, CyberPort, and others. For joining a logistics network like GSBN and CyberPort, API connection is indispensable, and various authentication systems and Callback functions must be supported. SmartLink supports the function of API connection and different authentication systems like Oauth 2.0 and Bearer Token, and it also gives the capability to transform and modify API messages by the Callback function.Let’s see the case of eBL in GSBN. For more effective and secure transactions to process logistics and transportation work, it’s known that the shipping liners are currently looking into eBL installation. A comprehensive eBL process exists to handle a series of processes, such as the creation, recording, and payment of eBL, and it needs to be connected to various logistics parties such as GSBN, IQAX to handle the process. It requires technical support like 0Auth 2.0 to manage API authentication during the process.After all, to cope with generated documents and messages during the logistics process from the shipper to the consignee efficiently, various types of networks will appear in the market, and the technology required will become complicated. Thirdly, the service area can be expanded by offering an API Portal. Mega shipping liners like MSC, CMA-CGM transform owned data into standardized logistics data and offer Data Feed service by API Portal.With the recent change in paradigm, shipping liners have changed their investment strategy to increase the investment in data integration and data service instead of their previous investment for the vessels. Shipping liners use their data to serve standardized and reliable logistics data. Then they provide a Data Feed service to the partners through API Portal. Mega shipping liners generate business revenue through real-time API data offerings. Eventually they propose new digital value by gaining a competitive edge.SmartLink provides an API Portal function following a change in logistics service trends. By interfacing between SmartLink and the Shipping liner’s operation legacy system, it digitizes logistics data generated from the shipping liner’s legacy system, then gains a competitive edge in business by providing real-time API data to the customers. To begin with, internal events such as Schedule, visibility and BL occurring from the Shipping liner’s operation legacy system can be provided in the form of API data. SmartLink platform receives the internal data occurring from the system, then modifies the data into desired form according to the purpose of the service, and after that provides Data Feed service to the customers such as F/F, Terminal, and Shipper by API Portal.The shipping liner’s expansion of service area by API Portal function it has the benefits as follows,- Participate in logistics service digitization trend by providing customer’s desired data through API.- Provide reliable service by standardizing logistics data and generate business revenue by utilizing owned data.- Propose the new digital value by technology convergence with collected external data. Speaking more about the technology convergence with collected external data, customers need the most information: transport information.Despite that, customers expect the arrival time of freights to meet the Berthing schedule compliance rate to the port is influenced by various factors. Hence, internal process improvement is necessary to increase the Berthing schedule compliance rate at the port. Qualitative growth of service can be achieved by real-time sharing of modified Estimated time of arrival, which is calculated based on updated vessel’s location when utilizing improvement in internal data and collected external data such as AIS data. SmartLink solution can be summed up in one word: link. SmartLink is a platform that links customers, logistics partners, data, networks, technologies, and even businesses.We live in an age where anything is possible with a single touch.Technology is constantly evolving, and people are getting more comfortable, but, the ability to endure inconveniences and overcome difficulties is declining. As per the development of technology, there’s a lot to win and lose.It may be the right direction to participate in the game and to go along with the time stream flexibly if embracing the digitization trend and catching up with the development of technology are beneficial for the company.Author: Daehee Lee (Business Consultant, CyberLogitec)The article or images cannot be reproduced, copied, shared or used in any form without the permission of the author and CyberLogitec.Copyright,2023, All rights reserved 
2023. 09. 14


SmartLink (1) Pros of data integration by SmartLink
The logistics industry is experiencing rapid change. Block-chain-based logistics networks such as TradeLens, GSBN started springing up, and the Japanese government initiated the CyberPort network. With the appearance of various types of logistics networks, the logistics industry landscape is changing drastically. Instead of the ship investments, the shipping liners have initiated the investment in technology to provide integrated services for logistics data. Hence, the proportion of technology investment increases gradually. Mega shipping liners have initiated a new type of data service based on the latest technology, and shipping liners like MSC and CMA-CGM are making a profit by data service offerings. With the increase in complexity of technology and the difficulty of customers’ requirements, the viable solution to respond flexibly to the change in the logistics industry is growing in importance.   In compliance with the logistics industry change, adopting a data integration system or service is inevitable. The SmartLink platform is the rightful solution to achieve the role. SmartLink is a cloud-based logistics data integration platform that connects all systems and applications simultaneously. Please refer to how SmartLink offers below to improve limit points and achieve new value.   SmartLink provides low-cost, high-efficiency system by SaaS service, increasing management efficiency. First of all, it has a significant advantage in the cost-effective side. The cost of the capital-related data center, servers, and software, which includes initial installation costs, could be reduced, and cloud service that costs as much as customer use could also reduce the cost. Cost-effective but offers a more powerful function compared to the existing on-promise products. It provides an intuitive and easy-to-use UI and offers seamless service by multi-zone composition. Additionally, the management efficiency increases as per the reduction in maintenance area. SmartLink would minimize managerial work, including unnecessary upgrades and patches, and the related infra-operation resources would be minimized. Previously existing solutions were mainly installation-type solutions, so they required direct management for both software and hardware by the customers. Yet, SmartLink manages both itself. It does not require maintenance of software and hardware as well as initial installation costs. Hence, it gives enhanced management efficiency and relatively outstanding quality and technology compared to the previously existing solutions. Being able to respond flexibly to change in the market would be one of the significant advantages of SaaS service. SmartLink provides the upgraded function and improves user convenience by offering an intuitive and easy-to-use setup User Interface. It supports various communication protocols and adapters compared to the solutions offering basic communication protocols. It provides multiple communication protocols, such as AS2 and MQ which are used for transmitting data, and various adapters that can be utilized for data extraction and integration from the system. SmartLink offers a communication protocol and DB Adapter which can extract and integrate the data in ERP and Application systems, and Document Adapter which can extract the data from PDF files. By these functions stated above, customers could benefit from sharing data with many logistics partners and the customer’s legacy system integration. Besides that, SmartLink offers multiple tools for cooperation/development and business process automation technology.  
2023. 09. 01

Press Release

 韩国首尔2023年8月24日 /美通社/ -- 领先的海运、港口/码头和物流运营技术提供商CyberLogitec宣布于2023年7月9日与神原汽船株式会社 (Kambara Kisen Co., Ltd.) 就包括ALLEGRO在内的四款解决方案签订交付合同,7月18日在CyberLogitec总部举行了签约仪式。为神原汽船提供的四款解决方案包括:ALLEGRO -- 支持数字化转型的综合航运运营解决方案,采用了最新的操作系统和流程;OPUS Stowage Prime -- 增加了自动配载规划功能;CARA -- 提供海运船期相关信息,涵盖各航运公司之间的战略合作、共享箱位数和箱位价格决策;以及SmartLink -- 提供扩展数据集成服务。神原汽船自2013年以来一直在使用CyberLogitec的OPUS Container、OPUS Stowage和SmartLink,此次合作加入了CyberLogitec的下一代数字集成解决方案。这些解决方案以最新的流程来应对日益严格且复杂的国际航运法律要求,同时满足全球航运市场的需求。合同中所包含的ALLEGRO将于2024年3月完成部署,四款解决方案的数据整合将提高航运班轮的可见性和效率,并提供更详细、更有意义的数据。神原汽船集装箱班轮部主管Toshiki Iwai表示:“神原汽船与CyberLogitec已经合作快十年了。由于CyberLogitec的产品出色且员工认真负责,我们可以把全部精力放在工作上。我们也期待未来有机会部署这家公司更先进的下一代解决方案。”CyberLogitec解决方案运营部副总裁Sung Jun Kim说道:“很荣幸再次与神原汽船合作。CyberLogitec以创新技术为支撑,提供航运咨询服务,能够满足快速变化的市场需求,同时还提供灵活且可扩展的解决方案。我们的解决方案有望帮助神原汽船进一步提高客户服务水平并实现更加灵活的运营管理。”
2023. 08. 24

Press Release

CyberLogitec在泛洲海运完成OPUS Stowage解决方案的部署
韩国首尔2023年7月19日 /美通社/ -- 领先的海运、港口/码头和物流运营技术提供商 CyberLogitec 宣布,OPUS Stowage已成功在泛洲海运株式会社(Pan Continental Shipping)部署,后者是专注于韩国、中国、日本和东南亚航线的集装箱航运公司。泛洲海运引进该解决方案引起了广泛关注,因为它取代了该公司之前使用的其他公司的产品。OPUS Stowage是一项船舶配载计划解决方案,旨在最大限度提高集装箱船的装载量,并最大限度减少装卸时间。通过使用OPUS Stowage提供的各种功能,泛洲海运可以建立起一套工作流程,减少配载计划工作时间,并在配载计划工作增加、集装箱配载约束条件复杂多样的情况下,最大程度提高装卸效率。泛洲海运船舶运营团队负责人Sungbum-Park表示:"为了适应快速变化的海运市场环境,我们正在推进新系统的引进工作,OPUS Stowage就是其中之一。对接泛洲海运的原有系统后,OPUS Stowage预计将缩短配载计划时间,并通过预防危险货物装载错误等人为失误,显著提高工作效率。"CyberLogitec副总裁Sung Jun Kim称:"OPUS Stowage提供了一些基本的应用功能和各种报告功能,这些都是通过利用配载计划信息来处理的。特别是通过与泛洲海运原有系统中的集装箱订舱预测(CBF)界面实现的半自动化计划功能,该功能不仅显著缩短了工作时间,还有助于最大限度提高泛洲海运的配载计划工作效率。"###关于泛洲海运泛洲海运以Dong Sung Shipping的名义成立,于1969年开始从事船舶代理业务。1975年,公司与商船三井(MOL)在韩国的船务代理Sam Hyop Shipping合并,并于1976年更名为Hyopsung Shipping。1981年,在购买了两艘支线集装箱船后,公司开始经营韩日航线集装箱班轮运输业务,并于1983年更名为泛洲海运。自那时起,公司运营7艘集装箱船,为韩国-日本、韩国-中国、中国-日本和越南-泰国航线提供准时的班轮运输服务。欲了解更多信息,请访问 
2023. 07. 18


Optimization of container layout decision policy in the vertical type terminal based on simulation
Optimization of container layout decision policy in the vertical type terminal based on simulationTerminal Operation SimulationWe would like to introduce a method for optimizing the terminal operation policy based on the simulation of terminal operation. The following contents focus on a particular explanation of how to optimize the container device layout decision policy using block operation simulation, and the introduction focuses on the performance results of the optimization process by OPUS DigiPortIn the case of the terminal operation simulation, it depends on the purpose, whether to implement CHE (Container Handling Equipment) as a statistical model or Physics engine-based model, which considers CHE operation performance (moving speed, variable speed, etc.) and collisions between equipment. The physics engine-based model has higher reliability because it is closer to actual cases. Also, the simulation result can be checked intuitively, as you can see the status of actual terminal operation. Terminal operation policy is a decision-making method for terminal operation. The work allocation policy for container transport vehicles is to decide on transport vehicles for container transportation, and the container device layout decision policy determines the positioning of the container that comes into the block. YC work allocation policy decides the container, which is the object of YC work, and it also decides AGV’s travel route in case of AGV operating terminals. The stated operation policy is vitally important because its performance level highly affects terminal productivity.Among these operation policies, we would like to demonstrate the container device layout decision policy in the vertical-type terminal, as shown below. Container Device Layout Decision Policy The feature of a vertical-type yard block is that the flow of the import container and the export container is opposite, as shown below picture. The import container comes in from the seaside and goes out to the landside, and the export container comes in from the landside end loading and goes out to the seaside end loading. Interference problems between cranes must be considered more carefully than horizontal-type terminals due to the circumstances of two-yard cranes included for each block in general and opposite container flows. Besides that, the container device layout needs to be decided by considering re-handling, the crane’s travel range, and other factors. In the container device layout decision process, there are a few criteria to consider when deciding which stack to stack containers. For example, there are the following evaluation factors such as how much a container need to be moved when leaving the block, how many layers the height of the stack needs to be stacked, how much a 40ft stack shrinks, and how many re-handling occurs. Based on the above-stated criteria, score of the stack to stack up the containers can be calculated. In this way, each criterion can be used to calculate a score for candidate stacks and then determine the device location by the highest overall scored stack.The importance of each criterion that terminal operators consider may be different. Hence the importance (weighting) could be assigned to each evaluation criterion accordingly. In the terminal where it places a premium on reducing the number of re-handling, for example, a large weighted value will be given to the evaluation criteria whether re-handling has occurred or not. The below picture illustrates the process.  The policy is a function(s(x)) that receives a candidate stack(x) to be applied and outputs a score for it, and the score can be calculated as weighted sum (Weighted for criteria, C_i,w_i) of multiple criteria(Ci). Among the candidate stacks, the highest scored stack(x*) is chosen as device location. According to the weighted wi value combination, preference of the stack is changed. Hence, the combination of weights is substantially policy.What is policy optimization, then? It is about finding the combination of weights to achieve the optimal performance. ‘Optimal performance’ is the purpose of policy optimization.For example, optimized policy targets to minimize the block’s container service could be able to reduce the service time the most compared to other policies. Likewise, the optimized policy targets to minimize the number of re-handling would reduce the number of re-handlings the most compared to other policies.Genetic Algorithm(GA) is a commonly used artificial intelligence technique when the search space is huge. Due to the weight given to the criteria being generally real numbers, there are infinite weight combinations. Yet, finding the optimized policy is extremely difficult.OPUS DigiPort's Optimized Device Location Layout PolicyApplying OPUS DigiPort, let’s see how to optimize the device location layout policy and what results come out. GA has been applied as an optimal algorithm, and the below-stated block simulator is used to evaluate chromosomes (candidate policy). The simulator simulates only one block as an object, and emulation including a collision between yard cranes and specification of acceleration/deceleration has been applied. The following is a diagram illustrating the optimization process using GA.  The optimization target is “Minimizing of service time delay at the seaside crane.” Hence, the evaluation value for the candidate policy is calculated as the service delay time of the seaside crane from the result of block operation simulation by the candidate policy. The followings are the simulation parameters.       1. Simulation period: 174 hours (Initialization 168 hours, Evaluation 6 hours)     2. Block size: bay 46, row 8, tier 5 (based on 20ft container)       3. Block work plan         - Transshipment ratio 50%         - % of 20ft and 40ft containers are 50%, each respectively         - The number of provided services for seaside containers per hour is 13.0, number of provided services for landside containers per hour is 7. 3         - The average dwell time for the container is 3 days         - The average block occupancy rate is approximately 56% Operation performance for the first 168 hours (7 days) has been excluded considering the simulation starts with an empty block circumstance. After approximately 5,000 simulation evaluations are conducted, the following optimization patterns are identified.  After the rapid growth of performance improvement in the early stage of the optimization process, gradual improvement has been identified. Let’s check how the policies detected during optimization stack up the containers. The red-circled point of the policy in the above graph is figures of stacked containers.  The left of the picture is the seaside, and the right of the picture is the landside. The 5-layer stack is red-colored, and the single-layer stack is green-colored in the picture. In the early stage of policy A, the preference where the container is stacked nearby Transfer Point(TP) is observed. Due to the 50% of Transshipment ratio, it’s is also observed that 5-layer stacks are more distributed on the seaside than landside. Service delay time for policy A is 1,120 seconds. (Refer to ‘A’ in the above table) The average waiting time for transport vehicles at the seaside TP has reached almost 20 minutes. It’s because blocks in this condition have disadvantage regarding delayed time for unloading and shipping the containers. Due to the high number of stacked layers, re-handling occurs more often when the shipment containers are taken out. Also, cranes need be moved further to stack unloading containers because of more highly stacked layers on the seaside. Let’s take a look at the most optimized policy E. Contrary to policy A, attempts to keep the stack in the seaside relatively low number of stacked layers are observed. Crane needs to be moved further when stacking the unloading containers to maintain the observed appearance, yet the crane could stack it at a short distance when it is urgent due to the workload. Also, re-handling occurs relatively less when the shipping container is taken out. Service delay time for this policy is 129 seconds, which is approximately 2 minutes. Compared to policy A, the service delay time has been reduced to a tenth. For now, let’s have a look at the aspects regarding shipment / importing properties of the containers that make up the stack, not the stack layer aspects.   Import containers that go out to the landside are red-colored, and they go out to the seaside are green-colored. Other colored ones, excluding red and green, are stacks that mixed containers of both properties. In the case of policy A, the containers have been stacked absurdly. Containers going out to the landside are stacked close to the seaside. Contrariwise, the containers going out to the seaside are stacked close to the landside. In this case, the service delay time will inevitably increase due to crane interference.Fortunately, starting from policy B, the containers’ outgoing directions are considered to a certain extent. In the case of policy E, almost the only containers going out to the seaside are stacked in the seaside area.Hitherto, we have looked at a method to optimize terminal operation policies using simulation. Prompt field application of the method, of course, is complex. To apply it to the field, several conditions need to be satisfied. First, real-time constraints must be satisfied. When the field requests a device location, the time required to decide the location must be short enough not to limit field operations. Secondly, the reliability of the simulation which is used for the optimization must be guaranteed. No matter how outstanding an optimization policy is, it would only be useful if the reliability of the simulator that measures its performance is reliable. Lastly, it is required to have a method to update the policy according to the terminal operation circumstance. As the terminal operation circumstance changes, so does the optimized policy. In reality, terminal circumstances change continuously. Hence it is necessary to update the optimized policy accordingly.  <Image Reference>1. Kim, T.; Yang, Y.; Bae, A.; Ryu, K.R. Optimization of Dispatching Strategies for Stacking Cranes including Remarshaling Jobs. J. Navig. Port Res. 2014, 38, 155–162.2. Kim, T.; Kim, J.; Ryu, K.R. Deriving Situation-Adaptive Strategy for Stacking Containers in an Automated Container Terminal. In Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems, Singapore, 12-24 September 2013. Author: Tae-Kwang Kim, Terminal Business Consultant, CyberLogitec The article or images cannot be reproduced, copied, shared or used in any form without the permission of the author and CyberLogitec.  
2023. 04. 17

Press Release

CyberLogitec announced the implementation of OPUS D&D (Demurrage & Detention) in Yusen Logistics
Nov 6, 2023 - CyberLogitec, the leading provider of maritime, port/terminal, and logistics operations technologies and a subsidiary of EUSU Holdings, announced in Nov 2023 that SaaS-based OPUS D&D (Demurrage & Detention) had been implemented in Yusen Logistics.   Yusen Logistics launched OPUS D&D service mainly in UK regions in April 2022, expanding the service to 19 countries, including the US, Europe, and China. Also, the expansion plan for the Southeast Asia region is scheduled. OPUS D&D has been introduced as per the needs of the independent system, which is capable of monitoring the Last Free Date before Free Time expiration and cost management in container DEM/DET.   OPUS D&D provides the management in container DEM/DET (Demurrage/Detention) for 3PL company. Most 3PL companies need help with cost management since DEM/DET cost is manually calculated. Systemic management in DEM/DET is complex because DEM/DET is calculated based on the information of complex charging structure in each shipping liner and region-wise and holiday. Moreover, it requires separate management for exceptions as, in many cases, free time is calculated by applying its freight contract condition for each shipping liner and shipper.   In collaboration with Yusen Logistics, one of the Top 20 3PL companies in the world, CyberLogitec developed and released OPUS D&D capable of interfacing with the 3PL Logistics system utilizing its own DEM/DET function, which is developed based on over 20 years of maritime business knowledge for container shipping. OPUS D&D provides container-wise Free time monitoring that interfaces with customers’ legacy operation system, advance confirmation of charge effective date, and calculation and verification of DEM/DET cost.    “OPUS D&D is a stable, scalable, and efficient independent cloud-based solution that offers an easy interface to the legacy system. DEM/DET cost, as per port pileup and disruption in the logistics network, DEM/DET cost has been a major issue for shipping liners and 3PL companies. We expect that many logistics companies, including Yusen Logistics’ successful implementation of OPUS D&D, could meet the operating cost reduction and efficient DEM/DET management by OPUS D&D.”, said Sung Jun Kim, Vice President of CyberLogitec.    
2023. 11. 07

Press Release

CyberLogitec注意到,企业在实施自动化计划时,往往会面临范围界定方面的挑战或成本方面的担忧。针对这些问题,CyberLogitec开始提供数据集成服务,为企业提供帮助。使用SmartLink的数据集成服务,客户不仅可以连接EDI,还可通过Oauth 2.0、Bearer Token等各种验证方法连接API,并通过电子流程集成实现文档和系统自动化,从而提高效率和降低成本。由于以前使用的EDI可读性低,要在数码港(CyberPort)全球航运业务网络(Global Shipping Business Network)中使用提单平台(eBL)服务,API连接是必不可少的。另一方面,通过CyberLogitec提供的SmartLink服务,可与在线平台、报关、仓库等物流合作伙伴实现快速、简便的数据集成。虽然这些在线平台有复杂的流程,如区块链安全认证,但海外许多航运公司和物流公司已经完成了采用。数据整合有助于管理物流业务的方方面面,如注册在线平台、处理货运、处理电子数据、填写海关文书和跟踪货物。它通过与合作伙伴和客户的数据连接,实时处理工作。他们还利用AIS数据与班轮公司数据之间的实时连接,提供船舶预计到达时间预测,帮助物流相关方获知货物的预计抵达日期。按照海运和物流流程去整合班轮公司/海关/仓库/客户的ERP等各种系统,是非常复杂的,而SmartLink的最大优势在于可以将多个系统的数据连接到一处。一般的IT服务由于其复杂和难以理解等特性,经常会在海运和物流过程中造成问题,而CyberLogitec在各种项目中积累了丰富的经验,因此可以做到无问题处理。此外,全天候服务台可随时随地提供服务。CyberLogitec最近宣布,可免费试用SmartLink的数据集成服务,付款方式多种多样,可以按文件处理,也可以按月付款。客户可登录CyberLogitec的网站(查询有关SmartLink数据集成服务的信息。关于CyberLogitecCyberLogitec利用创新技术为全球供应链赋能,应对运营挑战,提高可视性,满足行业需求。作为全球海运、港口和物流行业的领导者,该公司灵活的端到端解决方案和咨询服务帮助行业快速适应市场不断变化的需求。欲了解更多信息,请访问
2023. 10. 27

Press Release

 韩国首尔2023年8月24日 /美通社/ -- 领先的海运、港口/码头和物流运营技术提供商CyberLogitec宣布于2023年7月9日与神原汽船株式会社 (Kambara Kisen Co., Ltd.) 就包括ALLEGRO在内的四款解决方案签订交付合同,7月18日在CyberLogitec总部举行了签约仪式。为神原汽船提供的四款解决方案包括:ALLEGRO -- 支持数字化转型的综合航运运营解决方案,采用了最新的操作系统和流程;OPUS Stowage Prime -- 增加了自动配载规划功能;CARA -- 提供海运船期相关信息,涵盖各航运公司之间的战略合作、共享箱位数和箱位价格决策;以及SmartLink -- 提供扩展数据集成服务。神原汽船自2013年以来一直在使用CyberLogitec的OPUS Container、OPUS Stowage和SmartLink,此次合作加入了CyberLogitec的下一代数字集成解决方案。这些解决方案以最新的流程来应对日益严格且复杂的国际航运法律要求,同时满足全球航运市场的需求。合同中所包含的ALLEGRO将于2024年3月完成部署,四款解决方案的数据整合将提高航运班轮的可见性和效率,并提供更详细、更有意义的数据。神原汽船集装箱班轮部主管Toshiki Iwai表示:“神原汽船与CyberLogitec已经合作快十年了。由于CyberLogitec的产品出色且员工认真负责,我们可以把全部精力放在工作上。我们也期待未来有机会部署这家公司更先进的下一代解决方案。”CyberLogitec解决方案运营部副总裁Sung Jun Kim说道:“很荣幸再次与神原汽船合作。CyberLogitec以创新技术为支撑,提供航运咨询服务,能够满足快速变化的市场需求,同时还提供灵活且可扩展的解决方案。我们的解决方案有望帮助神原汽船进一步提高客户服务水平并实现更加灵活的运营管理。”
2023. 08. 24

Press Release

CyberLogitec在泛洲海运完成OPUS Stowage解决方案的部署
韩国首尔2023年7月19日 /美通社/ -- 领先的海运、港口/码头和物流运营技术提供商 CyberLogitec 宣布,OPUS Stowage已成功在泛洲海运株式会社(Pan Continental Shipping)部署,后者是专注于韩国、中国、日本和东南亚航线的集装箱航运公司。泛洲海运引进该解决方案引起了广泛关注,因为它取代了该公司之前使用的其他公司的产品。OPUS Stowage是一项船舶配载计划解决方案,旨在最大限度提高集装箱船的装载量,并最大限度减少装卸时间。通过使用OPUS Stowage提供的各种功能,泛洲海运可以建立起一套工作流程,减少配载计划工作时间,并在配载计划工作增加、集装箱配载约束条件复杂多样的情况下,最大程度提高装卸效率。泛洲海运船舶运营团队负责人Sungbum-Park表示:"为了适应快速变化的海运市场环境,我们正在推进新系统的引进工作,OPUS Stowage就是其中之一。对接泛洲海运的原有系统后,OPUS Stowage预计将缩短配载计划时间,并通过预防危险货物装载错误等人为失误,显著提高工作效率。"CyberLogitec副总裁Sung Jun Kim称:"OPUS Stowage提供了一些基本的应用功能和各种报告功能,这些都是通过利用配载计划信息来处理的。特别是通过与泛洲海运原有系统中的集装箱订舱预测(CBF)界面实现的半自动化计划功能,该功能不仅显著缩短了工作时间,还有助于最大限度提高泛洲海运的配载计划工作效率。"###关于泛洲海运泛洲海运以Dong Sung Shipping的名义成立,于1969年开始从事船舶代理业务。1975年,公司与商船三井(MOL)在韩国的船务代理Sam Hyop Shipping合并,并于1976年更名为Hyopsung Shipping。1981年,在购买了两艘支线集装箱船后,公司开始经营韩日航线集装箱班轮运输业务,并于1983年更名为泛洲海运。自那时起,公司运营7艘集装箱船,为韩国-日本、韩国-中国、中国-日本和越南-泰国航线提供准时的班轮运输服务。欲了解更多信息,请访问 
2023. 07. 18

Press Release

韩国首尔2022年9月22日-- 海运、港口/码头和物流技术的领先供应商EUSU HOLDINGS旗下子公司CyberLogitec宣布,该公司的OPUS Stowage Prime解决方案被南星海运(Namsung Shipping)选中并已于2022年7月完成部署。 南星海运自2012年以来一直使用CyberLogitec的积载计划解决方案OPUS Stowage作为其船舶配载计划系统。OPUS Stowage Prime解决方案增加了自动化积载计划模块,旨在克服复杂的制约因素和因超大型船舶趋势而增加的配载计划工作量。OPUS Stowage Prime积载解决方案采用了新一代的自动化引擎,结合了智能算法,可根据装载规则、船舶稳定性、港口挂靠顺序、特殊货物分配、压载水优化等标准自动生成船舶配载计划。考虑到专业船舶规划人员作为领航员的能力有限,OPUS Stowage Prime解决方案的自动化船舶规划模块可帮助防止发生人为错误,它会缩短配载规划的工作时间,减少危险货物装载故障。该解决方案还能缩短配载计划的工作时间和工作流程,通过与传统系统的对接,最大限度地提高装卸货的生产率。CyberLogitec副总裁Sung-joon Kim表示:"OPUS Stowage Prime不仅在船舶计划工作中发挥了不可或缺的应用功能,而且还利用各种报告功能提供配载计划信息。特别是,自动化积载计划借助优化引擎在世界范围内首次被应用到实际工作中。通过这些功能,我们希望南星海运能够最大程度地实现船舶规划工作效率。
2022. 09. 06

Press Release

Dongwon Global Terminal (DGT) selects CyberLogitec’s Terminal Operating System to align its operation for the First Fully Automated Terminal in the Republic of Korea
Dongwon Global Teriminal (DGT) Consortium was selected as an operating company for West Container harbor in Busan New Port in 2021, and it will be on 30-years operation contract from July 2023, which is the 2nd to 5th operation phase of the west container harbor. The operating company will operate the terminal with six berths by integrating the 2nd 5th phase, 2nd 6th phase, and feeder harbors, andit is a targeted smart port to provide cutting-edge stevedore service by applying automated equipment which Busan Port Authority orders.The project ordered by Dongwon Global Terminal (DGT) Consortium and Dongwon Enterprise is targeted to initiate implementation in April 2022 and go live for the 2nd to 5th phase terminal by July 2023, and go live for the 2nd to 6th terminal by 2026. Especially for CyberLogitec, is a significant project since it is the first fully automated terminal operating system project utilizing automatic transfer equipment in the Republic of Korea.CyberLogitec introduced AI, IoT, Big Data, Hyper Automation, and Digital Twin, the latest technology required for smart ports. Implementing a smart automated terminal operating system in Dongwon Global Terminal (DGT) is expected to adopt the latest IT technology, including IoT and Big Data, and several years’ knowledge and experience.Dongwon Global Terminal (DGT), designed as the first fully automated terminal in the Republic of Korea, pursued the low-cost and high-efficiency terminal operation process. Considering the circumstance that required differentiated technology and project methodology comparing the previous domestic terminal operation system, it is expected to CyberLo http:// gitec will enhance the operation efficiency in Dongwon Global Terminal (DGT) by implementing an optimized operation process suitable for the fully automated terminal with the adoption of advanced functions in productivity and simulation. “CyberLogitec has been selected for the project of the first fully automated terminal operating system in Korea. We dedicate to the port/terminal logistics IT service technology capability and improve automated terminal operation technology in Korea through this project,” said Jeong Min Son, Head of the Port Department. Meanwhile, CyberLogitec, completed its transition of the 1st vertical automated terminal in Korea in BNCT (Busan New Port harbor no.2 and 3), and it has been seeking various types of technical cooperation with automated terminals being built.
2022. 06. 27

Press Release

CyberLogitec, released the upgraded version of Logistics data integrated platform SmartLink
Mar 2022, Seoul Korea ? CyberLogitec, the leading provider of maritime, port/terminal, and logistics operations technologies and subsidiary of EUSU Holdings, announced today the upgraded version of Logistics data integrated platform ‘SmartLink’. ‘SmartLink’ is the e-service platform that offers real-time visibility in custom declaration in advance, smart cargo tracking, reporting interface through linked data from Logistics related parties. The released version is a more upgraded platform with a cloud-based data integration function.Due to the growing issues of lack of data management capabilities and real-time data sharing problems in the global shipping and logistics market, the cloud-based platform as a solution, has recently attracted attention. The logistics industry requires various types of data processing such as IoT, pictures, PDF, etc. Yet the companies experience difficulties securingall kinds of resources due to its high cost and time-consuming.CyberLogitec’s SmartLink platform has been built based on the knowledge of CyberLogitec’s system development and its operation in maritime, port/terminal, and logistics. Hence it offers easy-to-use work for data integration in a cloud-based environment. Various types of data including documents (PDF, Excel, etc.), can be converted to EDI, XML and other types that user want it to be, and it can be shared and co-worked with external partners.Besides data integration, SmartLink also provides advanced custom declaration services in most majority countries like the USA, Japan, Canada, Europe, etc. It enhances customer service by providing real-time cargo monitoring through the linked logistics data.  “As the logistics market becomes more cut-throat, the demand for an inclusive data integration platform that offers real-time data integration and data service increases. Through SmartLink, real-time data utilization increases logistics efficiency, and company competitive power can be expected.” Said Sung Joon Kim, Vice President.CyberLogitec plans to build SmartLink’s data integration service for 1000+ logistics companies using its current service customer and eventually actualize global logistics data herb.
2022. 03. 29

Press Release

BTP Terminal in Brazil Goes Live Remotely with CyberLogitec’s OPUS Terminal
 South Korea, 14th Oct 2021 ? CyberLogitec, the leading provider of Maritime, Port/Terminal, and Logistics operations IT technologies and subsidiary of EUSU Holdings, announced that the OPUS Terminal implementation in Brasil Terminal Portuario has completed successfully in June 2021 with ongoing stable operations.BTP, a joint venture between APM Terminals and TIL (Terminal Investment Limited), is the largest terminal in South America and has a geographical advantage in providing shipping routes all over the world. With the OPUS Terminal system implementation, BTP is expected to achieve the highly looked-for effect of enhancing the work efficiency and convenience, punctuality in vessel entry and departure, and higher productivity in annual throughput.“We chose OPUS Terminal since the system is based on best practices around the world and we believe that the system is advanced and stable enough to support us to provide efficient terminal operation and high quality service,” said Marcio Guiot, Chief Operating Officer at BTP.OPUS Terminal’s deployed ‘Advanced Modules’ enhances the operational efficiency of the terminal’s yard and vessel operations, decreases unnecessary and unproductive work, shortens the needed planning time while increasing operational productivity.The same version of OPUS Terminal’s Advanced Modules is being used at Westports terminal, the mega container terminal located in Malaysia, and many other CyberLogitec terminals.The restricted movement between nations resulting from COVID-19 was the biggest issue for the project. To cope with the given crisis, OPUS Terminal project team at CyberLogitec has implemented the system remotely without a single visit to BTP Terminal during the 18 months project period.“To achieve a successful remote implementation for the first time, we completed rigorous preliminary planning and preparations, and the establishment of new processes and development. To mitigate the risk of a remote implementation and customer uncertainty, testing was carried out repeatedly. The process and result have been open and transparent to the customer as part of customer communications. Consequentially, we’ve made the successful implementation and reduced the project stabilization period as well.”, said Jeong Min Son, Head of Port Department.About Brasil Terminal Portuario:BTP is a private container terminal in the Organized Port of Santos ? Brazil. A modern project ? that enables a greater competitiveness for Brazilian ports since 2013 ? is strategically located on the right bank of the Port of Santos (Latin America’s largest). With a total area of 430,000 square meters, and innovative project of USD 800 million of initial investment, BTP offers the country a sustainable terminal, having promoted the remediation of one of the largest environmental liabilities of the State of Sao Paulo and the largest in the port area. BTP generates thousands of direct and indirect jobs, contributing to the development of the Region. The facility, that offers an outstanding port productivity operations in South America, has a 1.108m of quay length, allowing up to 3 new panamax class vessels to berth simultaneously. Brasil Terminal Portuario is a joint venture between Terminal Investment Limited (TIL) and APM Terminals and has an annual throughput capacity of 1.5 million TEUs (Twenty-Foot Equivalent Unit).For more information visit: BTP’s Linkedin, Instagram and Facebook pages: @brasilterminalportuario
2021. 10. 14


Terminal Design and Operation A Simulation-Based Strategy to Enhance Continuity
The use of simulation in terminal design and operation is becoming increasingly important. Installing terminal infrastructure is costly, and the layout of the terminal determines its capacity and the equipment that can be used. Simulation is also used to identify potential problems that may arise during operation, allowing for the development of countermeasures in advance. As a result, simulation is a crucial tool in the design and operation stages of a terminal, ensuring efficiency and credibility of the system.■ Types of Simulation Utilized in the TerminalThere are three types of simulation utilized in the terminal, namely design stage simulation, operation simulation, and test-purpose simulation used equipment emulator.  Design Stage Simulation Design stage simulation is utilized for both greenfield and brownfield terminals to determine the optimal design for various layouts and equipment compositions. This simulation focuses on verifying estimated terminal volume information, including transshipment, targeted terminal volume space occupancy, and equipment occupancy based on the estimated monthly ship on depot volume and vessel volume. The simulation outcome helps to ensure that the physical terminal design meets the business goal. Operation Simulation Operation simulation is conducted to assess the operation performance of the terminal. It evaluates productivity while considering the variables that may arise during the operation and aims to predict and improve potential problems and bottlenecks in advance. This simulation includes productivity verification support and optimizes productivity by considering workflow in the terminal, equipment utilization rate, working time, and other factors. Test-Purpose Simulation Utilized Equipment Emulator in an automated terminal, the emulator-utilized simulation is carried out under the condition that the equipment, yard layout, and operation system have already been confirmed. It is utilized to verify the stability of automated equipment and terminal operation system and its performance through various operation scenario tests in a virtual environment. ■  Environmental changeSimulations have mainly been carried out in the greenfield during the design and operation stages. However, due to recent demand, verifying full automation by applying autonomous vehicles in non-fully automated and semi-automated terminals is necessary. Additionally, it requires converting to automation by remodeling using manual equipment and verifying stable operation during terminal integration and expansion. The terminal must be flexible in responding to volume increases by introducing automated equipment, which is why the verification of new equipment introduction is being done in operating terminals. As the various requirements grow, the demand for operation simulation is increasing. An automated Equipment Control System (ECS) must be selected in the automated terminal, along with the equipment. The simulation's complexity rises to meet the synergy with the appropriate equipment control system and operation system. The diagram below shows the Equipment-Controller-Operation System in Korea’s 1st fully automated terminal.     The automated terminal’s selected equipment type and operation strategy affect the yard layout structure. Depending on the provided ECS from the vendor, the Auto Guided Vehicle (AGV) also differs in driving lane strategy in the yard layout and Transponder's physical location. An integrated simulation for the design and operation stage is necessary. The integrated simulation can dynamically respond to changing conditions and provide simulation results for the circumstances of currently operating terminals. It may need to adapt and modify the system to comply with changing operational requirements. ■ Continuous Simulation in the design and operation stage Continuous simulation is an important tool used during both the design and operation stages. However, traditional simulations have limitations as they can only be used once, which makes it difficult to reflect the persistent changes that happen during actual operations. There are now more options for terminal operations, which can make it increasingly complex to choose the best one. For instance, when it comes to automatic transfer equipment like AGV, there are various options available such as Lift AGV, IGV with changed Transponder reclamation method, and AMR with autonomous driving function. The total gross productivity and TGS of the yard crane depends on whether the Cantilever uses equipment on both sides or one side only. With more options to choose from, the interaction and dependency also increase, making it even more important to find the optimal decision through simulation. By estimating the impact of each option, the simulation can help establish an effective strategy. It is necessary to evaluate and improve the stability and efficiency of the process, considering the increased interaction and dependency. Simulation can be applied at any stage, from the design phase to after the go-live stage. The Simulation, which can be applied before the design stage, even after the go-live stage, is needed. - Terminal layout, Equipment types, Simulation, which is configurable equipment quantity- Possible to apply the actual operating volume and operation patterns- Need future predictions about the current operation condition- The Simulation includes an equipment emulator- Likely to use a gate Import/Export volume pattern- Possible to process at least 200 times speed simulation (1month operation base, the simulation result for 720 hours non-stop operation simulation needs to be extracted within 4 hours max)- Draw the results that could confirm bottlenecks- Includes standard API for the equipment emulator – Compliance of TIC(Terminal Industry Committee) 4.0 equipment layer (level 1) data standardization The result below is for applying a hybrid layout to terminals in the construction stage, adjusting the transshipment ratio, and the scenario created in which the type of equipment used and the number of equipment are changed.-      Apply yard layout “Vertical Layout / End Loading” and “Horizontal Layout / Side Loading”-      Modify transshipment ratio (T/S ratio)-      Change the equipment type and quantityScenario definition for the simulation               Comparison Scenario Quay Mover Yard T/S STS Q’ty BackReach Lane Q’ty Mover Type Mover Q’ty Block Q’ty YC Q’ty End Loading Block T/S Rate AGV Operation 1a 8 4 AGV 36 16 32 50% 50% 1b 8           50% 50% 1c 8           50% 50% 1d 8           50% 50% Lift-AGV Operation 2a 8           50% 50% 2b 8 The data has been treated as confidential. Please contact CyberLogitec for more information.   50% 50% 2c 8 50% 50% 2d 8 50% 50% End Load Ratio 3a 8           100% 50% T/S Ratio 4a 8           50% 70% 4b 8           50% 60% 4c 8           50% 40% 4d 8           50% 30% Block Q’ty 5a 8           50% 50% B/R Qty 6a 8           50% 50% Please find below a breakdown of the analysis results from 15 different operation scenarios regarding average gang productivity, peak time productivity decline ratio, and operation time increase ratio compared to total gross operating time. The impact of peak time productivity decline is more critical for terminal operations than the off-peak period productivity decline of yard capacity and equipment.• Gang Productivity = Total Container Moves (VAN) / Gross Gang Operation Time (Total gross working time from all of applied STS)• GI (Gang Intensity) = Gross Gang Operation time / Gross working time (The operation time of STS which has the longest working time)The average GI is 2.43 in scenario “1c” Derive Peak time Productivity of the vessel experiencing bottlenecks based on GI value• High GI Productivity (Peak time Productivity) = Gang Productivity of the vessel which has more than GI value 3.0When Peak time productivity decreases by more than 10%Ÿ   100% end loading only operation (Scenario 3a) experienced the most decline in Peak time productivity (15.65%) Ÿ   When quantity of assigned mover is less (Scenario 1a – AGV x 36, Scenario 2a – LAGV x 32) Ÿ   When transshipment ratio is below 50% (Scenario 4c – T/S 40%, Scenario 4d – T/S 30%) Scenario-wise AGV Productivity and Waiting time  Comparison Scenario Agv total waiting time (m:s) Agv Productivity Agv waiting rate Agv total traveling distance (m) Agv un-laden Rate AGV Q'ty 1a 8:55 4.9 67.5% 916 49.5% 1b           1c           1d           LAGV Q'ty 2a           2b The data has been treated as confidential. Please contact CyberLogitec for more information.  2c 2d End Loading 3a           T/S Ratio 4a           4b           4c           4d           Block Q'ty 5a           B/R Q'ty 6a           Productivity comparison by AGV quantity Category KPI AGV 36 (1a) 40 (1b) 44 (1c) 48 (1d) Productivity Gross Gang Productivity 31.84       (High GI) Gross Gang Productivity 28.28       (High GI) Productivity decline ratio 11.19%       STS Average Gang Intensity 2.45 The data has been treated as confidential. Please contact CyberLogitec for more information.  Average Gang Operation time (h:m) 10:42 (High GI) Average Gang Operation Time 19:29 STS utilization rate 42.7%       YC YC Productivity     22.15   Average Moving Bay (bay)     7.15   YC utilization rate     38.6%   Mover Mover Productivity     4.60   Mover utilization rate     42.3%   (Discharge) STS waiting time     5:24   (Discharge) YC waiting time     2:52   (Loading) STS waiting time       6:14 (Loading) YC waiting time       5:23 Average mileage       944 Average empty mover rate       48.4% Yard Average Yard occupancy rate       52.9% Gate Average OTR Turn Time       10:41  Integrated operation simulation is a type of simulation that is useful throughout the whole process of a project, from its initial design stage to its post-go-live operation stage. This simulation allows you to test various scenarios, with free configuration options for terminal layout, equipment type, and quantity. By processing the simulation and applying the operation strategy provided as an outcome from the previous simulation, you can contribute to continuous operation improvement. CyberLogitec offers a simulation solution that supports all stages of terminal yard design, equipment selection, and operation optimization. OPUS Solutions can help improve productivity and system integration through simulation before the terminal's opening and continuous simulation tailored to the changing operating environment.Author: Lucy (Kyoung-Suk) Lee, Terminal Business Consultant, CyberLogitecThe article or images cannot be reproduced, copied, shared or used in any form without the permission of the author and CyberLogitec.Copyright,2024, All rights reserved
2024. 02. 01


SmartLink (2) API function of SmartLink
SmartLink could process the data efficiently by offering an intuitive setup function to connect various logistics networks. Responding promptly and flexibly to the demand for new technology by the market helps customers process the data and connect the network smoothly.SmartLink supports the various types of API connections. It’s known that many shipping liners are considering connecting the logistics networks such as GSBN, CyberPort, and others. For joining a logistics network like GSBN and CyberPort, API connection is indispensable, and various authentication systems and Callback functions must be supported. SmartLink supports the function of API connection and different authentication systems like Oauth 2.0 and Bearer Token, and it also gives the capability to transform and modify API messages by the Callback function.Let’s see the case of eBL in GSBN. For more effective and secure transactions to process logistics and transportation work, it’s known that the shipping liners are currently looking into eBL installation. A comprehensive eBL process exists to handle a series of processes, such as the creation, recording, and payment of eBL, and it needs to be connected to various logistics parties such as GSBN, IQAX to handle the process. It requires technical support like 0Auth 2.0 to manage API authentication during the process.After all, to cope with generated documents and messages during the logistics process from the shipper to the consignee efficiently, various types of networks will appear in the market, and the technology required will become complicated. Thirdly, the service area can be expanded by offering an API Portal. Mega shipping liners like MSC, CMA-CGM transform owned data into standardized logistics data and offer Data Feed service by API Portal.With the recent change in paradigm, shipping liners have changed their investment strategy to increase the investment in data integration and data service instead of their previous investment for the vessels. Shipping liners use their data to serve standardized and reliable logistics data. Then they provide a Data Feed service to the partners through API Portal. Mega shipping liners generate business revenue through real-time API data offerings. Eventually they propose new digital value by gaining a competitive edge.SmartLink provides an API Portal function following a change in logistics service trends. By interfacing between SmartLink and the Shipping liner’s operation legacy system, it digitizes logistics data generated from the shipping liner’s legacy system, then gains a competitive edge in business by providing real-time API data to the customers. To begin with, internal events such as Schedule, visibility and BL occurring from the Shipping liner’s operation legacy system can be provided in the form of API data. SmartLink platform receives the internal data occurring from the system, then modifies the data into desired form according to the purpose of the service, and after that provides Data Feed service to the customers such as F/F, Terminal, and Shipper by API Portal.The shipping liner’s expansion of service area by API Portal function it has the benefits as follows,- Participate in logistics service digitization trend by providing customer’s desired data through API.- Provide reliable service by standardizing logistics data and generate business revenue by utilizing owned data.- Propose the new digital value by technology convergence with collected external data. Speaking more about the technology convergence with collected external data, customers need the most information: transport information.Despite that, customers expect the arrival time of freights to meet the Berthing schedule compliance rate to the port is influenced by various factors. Hence, internal process improvement is necessary to increase the Berthing schedule compliance rate at the port. Qualitative growth of service can be achieved by real-time sharing of modified Estimated time of arrival, which is calculated based on updated vessel’s location when utilizing improvement in internal data and collected external data such as AIS data. SmartLink solution can be summed up in one word: link. SmartLink is a platform that links customers, logistics partners, data, networks, technologies, and even businesses.We live in an age where anything is possible with a single touch.Technology is constantly evolving, and people are getting more comfortable, but, the ability to endure inconveniences and overcome difficulties is declining. As per the development of technology, there’s a lot to win and lose.It may be the right direction to participate in the game and to go along with the time stream flexibly if embracing the digitization trend and catching up with the development of technology are beneficial for the company.Author: Daehee Lee (Business Consultant, CyberLogitec)The article or images cannot be reproduced, copied, shared or used in any form without the permission of the author and CyberLogitec.Copyright,2023, All rights reserved 
2023. 09. 14


SmartLink (1) Pros of data integration by SmartLink
The logistics industry is experiencing rapid change. Block-chain-based logistics networks such as TradeLens, GSBN started springing up, and the Japanese government initiated the CyberPort network. With the appearance of various types of logistics networks, the logistics industry landscape is changing drastically. Instead of the ship investments, the shipping liners have initiated the investment in technology to provide integrated services for logistics data. Hence, the proportion of technology investment increases gradually. Mega shipping liners have initiated a new type of data service based on the latest technology, and shipping liners like MSC and CMA-CGM are making a profit by data service offerings. With the increase in complexity of technology and the difficulty of customers’ requirements, the viable solution to respond flexibly to the change in the logistics industry is growing in importance.   In compliance with the logistics industry change, adopting a data integration system or service is inevitable. The SmartLink platform is the rightful solution to achieve the role. SmartLink is a cloud-based logistics data integration platform that connects all systems and applications simultaneously. Please refer to how SmartLink offers below to improve limit points and achieve new value.   SmartLink provides low-cost, high-efficiency system by SaaS service, increasing management efficiency. First of all, it has a significant advantage in the cost-effective side. The cost of the capital-related data center, servers, and software, which includes initial installation costs, could be reduced, and cloud service that costs as much as customer use could also reduce the cost. Cost-effective but offers a more powerful function compared to the existing on-promise products. It provides an intuitive and easy-to-use UI and offers seamless service by multi-zone composition. Additionally, the management efficiency increases as per the reduction in maintenance area. SmartLink would minimize managerial work, including unnecessary upgrades and patches, and the related infra-operation resources would be minimized. Previously existing solutions were mainly installation-type solutions, so they required direct management for both software and hardware by the customers. Yet, SmartLink manages both itself. It does not require maintenance of software and hardware as well as initial installation costs. Hence, it gives enhanced management efficiency and relatively outstanding quality and technology compared to the previously existing solutions. Being able to respond flexibly to change in the market would be one of the significant advantages of SaaS service. SmartLink provides the upgraded function and improves user convenience by offering an intuitive and easy-to-use setup User Interface. It supports various communication protocols and adapters compared to the solutions offering basic communication protocols. It provides multiple communication protocols, such as AS2 and MQ which are used for transmitting data, and various adapters that can be utilized for data extraction and integration from the system. SmartLink offers a communication protocol and DB Adapter which can extract and integrate the data in ERP and Application systems, and Document Adapter which can extract the data from PDF files. By these functions stated above, customers could benefit from sharing data with many logistics partners and the customer’s legacy system integration. Besides that, SmartLink offers multiple tools for cooperation/development and business process automation technology.  
2023. 09. 01


Optimization of container layout decision policy in the vertical type terminal based on simulation
Optimization of container layout decision policy in the vertical type terminal based on simulationTerminal Operation SimulationWe would like to introduce a method for optimizing the terminal operation policy based on the simulation of terminal operation. The following contents focus on a particular explanation of how to optimize the container device layout decision policy using block operation simulation, and the introduction focuses on the performance results of the optimization process by OPUS DigiPortIn the case of the terminal operation simulation, it depends on the purpose, whether to implement CHE (Container Handling Equipment) as a statistical model or Physics engine-based model, which considers CHE operation performance (moving speed, variable speed, etc.) and collisions between equipment. The physics engine-based model has higher reliability because it is closer to actual cases. Also, the simulation result can be checked intuitively, as you can see the status of actual terminal operation. Terminal operation policy is a decision-making method for terminal operation. The work allocation policy for container transport vehicles is to decide on transport vehicles for container transportation, and the container device layout decision policy determines the positioning of the container that comes into the block. YC work allocation policy decides the container, which is the object of YC work, and it also decides AGV’s travel route in case of AGV operating terminals. The stated operation policy is vitally important because its performance level highly affects terminal productivity.Among these operation policies, we would like to demonstrate the container device layout decision policy in the vertical-type terminal, as shown below. Container Device Layout Decision Policy The feature of a vertical-type yard block is that the flow of the import container and the export container is opposite, as shown below picture. The import container comes in from the seaside and goes out to the landside, and the export container comes in from the landside end loading and goes out to the seaside end loading. Interference problems between cranes must be considered more carefully than horizontal-type terminals due to the circumstances of two-yard cranes included for each block in general and opposite container flows. Besides that, the container device layout needs to be decided by considering re-handling, the crane’s travel range, and other factors. In the container device layout decision process, there are a few criteria to consider when deciding which stack to stack containers. For example, there are the following evaluation factors such as how much a container need to be moved when leaving the block, how many layers the height of the stack needs to be stacked, how much a 40ft stack shrinks, and how many re-handling occurs. Based on the above-stated criteria, score of the stack to stack up the containers can be calculated. In this way, each criterion can be used to calculate a score for candidate stacks and then determine the device location by the highest overall scored stack.The importance of each criterion that terminal operators consider may be different. Hence the importance (weighting) could be assigned to each evaluation criterion accordingly. In the terminal where it places a premium on reducing the number of re-handling, for example, a large weighted value will be given to the evaluation criteria whether re-handling has occurred or not. The below picture illustrates the process.  The policy is a function(s(x)) that receives a candidate stack(x) to be applied and outputs a score for it, and the score can be calculated as weighted sum (Weighted for criteria, C_i,w_i) of multiple criteria(Ci). Among the candidate stacks, the highest scored stack(x*) is chosen as device location. According to the weighted wi value combination, preference of the stack is changed. Hence, the combination of weights is substantially policy.What is policy optimization, then? It is about finding the combination of weights to achieve the optimal performance. ‘Optimal performance’ is the purpose of policy optimization.For example, optimized policy targets to minimize the block’s container service could be able to reduce the service time the most compared to other policies. Likewise, the optimized policy targets to minimize the number of re-handling would reduce the number of re-handlings the most compared to other policies.Genetic Algorithm(GA) is a commonly used artificial intelligence technique when the search space is huge. Due to the weight given to the criteria being generally real numbers, there are infinite weight combinations. Yet, finding the optimized policy is extremely difficult.OPUS DigiPort's Optimized Device Location Layout PolicyApplying OPUS DigiPort, let’s see how to optimize the device location layout policy and what results come out. GA has been applied as an optimal algorithm, and the below-stated block simulator is used to evaluate chromosomes (candidate policy). The simulator simulates only one block as an object, and emulation including a collision between yard cranes and specification of acceleration/deceleration has been applied. The following is a diagram illustrating the optimization process using GA.  The optimization target is “Minimizing of service time delay at the seaside crane.” Hence, the evaluation value for the candidate policy is calculated as the service delay time of the seaside crane from the result of block operation simulation by the candidate policy. The followings are the simulation parameters.       1. Simulation period: 174 hours (Initialization 168 hours, Evaluation 6 hours)     2. Block size: bay 46, row 8, tier 5 (based on 20ft container)       3. Block work plan         - Transshipment ratio 50%         - % of 20ft and 40ft containers are 50%, each respectively         - The number of provided services for seaside containers per hour is 13.0, number of provided services for landside containers per hour is 7. 3         - The average dwell time for the container is 3 days         - The average block occupancy rate is approximately 56% Operation performance for the first 168 hours (7 days) has been excluded considering the simulation starts with an empty block circumstance. After approximately 5,000 simulation evaluations are conducted, the following optimization patterns are identified.  After the rapid growth of performance improvement in the early stage of the optimization process, gradual improvement has been identified. Let’s check how the policies detected during optimization stack up the containers. The red-circled point of the policy in the above graph is figures of stacked containers.  The left of the picture is the seaside, and the right of the picture is the landside. The 5-layer stack is red-colored, and the single-layer stack is green-colored in the picture. In the early stage of policy A, the preference where the container is stacked nearby Transfer Point(TP) is observed. Due to the 50% of Transshipment ratio, it’s is also observed that 5-layer stacks are more distributed on the seaside than landside. Service delay time for policy A is 1,120 seconds. (Refer to ‘A’ in the above table) The average waiting time for transport vehicles at the seaside TP has reached almost 20 minutes. It’s because blocks in this condition have disadvantage regarding delayed time for unloading and shipping the containers. Due to the high number of stacked layers, re-handling occurs more often when the shipment containers are taken out. Also, cranes need be moved further to stack unloading containers because of more highly stacked layers on the seaside. Let’s take a look at the most optimized policy E. Contrary to policy A, attempts to keep the stack in the seaside relatively low number of stacked layers are observed. Crane needs to be moved further when stacking the unloading containers to maintain the observed appearance, yet the crane could stack it at a short distance when it is urgent due to the workload. Also, re-handling occurs relatively less when the shipping container is taken out. Service delay time for this policy is 129 seconds, which is approximately 2 minutes. Compared to policy A, the service delay time has been reduced to a tenth. For now, let’s have a look at the aspects regarding shipment / importing properties of the containers that make up the stack, not the stack layer aspects.   Import containers that go out to the landside are red-colored, and they go out to the seaside are green-colored. Other colored ones, excluding red and green, are stacks that mixed containers of both properties. In the case of policy A, the containers have been stacked absurdly. Containers going out to the landside are stacked close to the seaside. Contrariwise, the containers going out to the seaside are stacked close to the landside. In this case, the service delay time will inevitably increase due to crane interference.Fortunately, starting from policy B, the containers’ outgoing directions are considered to a certain extent. In the case of policy E, almost the only containers going out to the seaside are stacked in the seaside area.Hitherto, we have looked at a method to optimize terminal operation policies using simulation. Prompt field application of the method, of course, is complex. To apply it to the field, several conditions need to be satisfied. First, real-time constraints must be satisfied. When the field requests a device location, the time required to decide the location must be short enough not to limit field operations. Secondly, the reliability of the simulation which is used for the optimization must be guaranteed. No matter how outstanding an optimization policy is, it would only be useful if the reliability of the simulator that measures its performance is reliable. Lastly, it is required to have a method to update the policy according to the terminal operation circumstance. As the terminal operation circumstance changes, so does the optimized policy. In reality, terminal circumstances change continuously. Hence it is necessary to update the optimized policy accordingly.  <Image Reference>1. Kim, T.; Yang, Y.; Bae, A.; Ryu, K.R. Optimization of Dispatching Strategies for Stacking Cranes including Remarshaling Jobs. J. Navig. Port Res. 2014, 38, 155–162.2. Kim, T.; Kim, J.; Ryu, K.R. Deriving Situation-Adaptive Strategy for Stacking Containers in an Automated Container Terminal. In Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems, Singapore, 12-24 September 2013. Author: Tae-Kwang Kim, Terminal Business Consultant, CyberLogitec The article or images cannot be reproduced, copied, shared or used in any form without the permission of the author and CyberLogitec.  
2023. 04. 17


CyberLogitec recognized as the top 50 Companies to watch in 2021 by The CEO Views
[This article was originally published at]CyberLogitec was established in 2000, but the company’s experience in the industry dates back to the 1970s where its solutions were initially developed to solve the needs of a large South Korean shipping group, which it was once a part  of. In 2000, the company’s strong solutions and development capability led to a decision to spin-off CyberLogitec and promote its solutions commercially to players in the international maritime, ports, and logistics space. The organization  delivered its first TOS (Terminal Operating System) in that year and has been steadily growing in its solution suite to  cover the needs of maritime, port, and logistics companies throughout the globe ever since. CyberLogitec now counts  more than 150 companies as its customers worldwide. In 2017, noting the global footprint the company had amassed and to service  the significant new partnership they had entered into with the shipping giant ONE, the group established CyberLogitec Global as its  Global Commercial Headquarters in Singapore. The location chosen for its reputation as a gateway to global markets and one of  the most important maritime hubs in the world. CyberLogitec has been recognized as one of the 50  Innovative Companies of the year 2021 and some may  say this was a long time coming. For more than two  decades, CyberLogitec has worked with shipping lines,  terminals, and logistics providers to optimize their  business operations and processes through flexible,  end-to-end solutions and business consulting services.  “Unlike many other providers to the industry, CyberLogitec not only brings the technical know-how but  backs it up with rich experience working within the industry  ensuring we understand our customer’s needs from the  perspective of their business,” said Tevin Hyung-Chol Choi, MD of CyberLogitec Global. Over the years,  CyberLogitec has continually worked to understand the  evolving needs of their customers and refine their product  offerings to meet those needs. This has required employing advanced technologies to stay ahead of the  curve. Nowadays, the latest technologies such as  machine learning and IoT integration are incorporated into  CyberLogitec’s proprietary heuristic engine that powers  many of the features in its OPUS range of products. CyberLogitec has proven to be a pioneer in the industry,  helping their customers overcome challenges and hurdles they face running large, complex businesses. Terminal  and Maritime operations are extremely data-driven.  Hence the company aims to tackle efficiency through  integrated solutions designed to unlock the value of the  data the business creates to minimize manual labor or  work duplications and algorithmically plan more effective  operations. On top of the features expected within a  conventional TOS, its solutions can help customers run  unstructured document analysis, ensure operations  throughout the terminal are running at optimal efficiency,and proactively track KPIs to determine and deal with  process leakages. These features are coupled with its  commitment to meet and exceed expectations through  reliable service delivery, by meeting deadlines and  adding value to their partners through comprehensive consultancy services. CyberLogitec solutions can also  automate both simple and complex tasks faced by  terminals such as Advanced Yard Planning (AYP) which  automates yard planning and identifies the most suitable locations for cargo, and Advanced Housekeeping (AHK)  which ensures the yard is kept orderly based on the most  efficient use of terminal assets and with minimal manual  interference. With its innovative platforms such as OPUS  Terminal, the organization is confident in helping  terminals reach their full business potential in digitizing  operations for its continued success. CyberLogitec and its team are focused on future  innovation. The company is constantly working to integrate emerging technologies such as blockchain and  artificial intelligence into its offerings. In terms of internal expansion, CyberLogitec already has a presence in all  the major global business hubs. Its location in Singapore  is a strategic one too, as the Republic has a high  concentration of shipping lines, feeders, bulkers, and logistics firms, which earned its recognition as a leading  maritime nation. CyberLogitec has recently launched two new divisions dedicated to the advancement of digital smart ports. Its  TOS is enhanced with AI technology using IoT inputs and predictive analysis of collected data.These technologies  provide greater visibility of patterns in day-to-day  operations, identify potential safety concerns or  downtime proactively, and ultimately lead to better  planning with the aid of detailed predictions which will  not only bring greater efficiency but also help terminals  align to digital standards and increase collaboration  between various parties within the industry. CYBERLOGITEC AIMS TO TACKLE EFFICIENCY THROUGH INTEGRATED ADVANCED SOLUTIONS DESIGNED TO UNLOCK  THE VALUE OF THAT DATA TO MINIMIZE MANUAL LABOR OR WORK DUPLICATIONS. CyberLogitec has proved successful in increasing  productivity levels in the industry and helping their clients  come out of any challenge stronger. One recent example  is the partnership with The Apical Group, an edible-oils  manufacturer in Indonesia, to implement OPUS Terminal  and its latest liquid bulk features at their terminal in Balikpapan. Through the project, the port operator has  been able to speed up decision making using real-time  operating data instead of traditional manual methods of  managing jetty operations and checking valves? a much more time-consuming and resource-intensive approach. CyberLogitec was selected as the best partner to help  them with supply chain traceability,as well as ensuring  that operations can be performed at peak efficiency.  Experience has shown that the OPUS Terminal TOS can be the catalyst to boost overall productivity and  efficiency for CyberLogitec’s customers while  contributing towards the customer’s drive for a more sustainable ecosystem.This year the organization has also implemented OPUS Terminal at Super Terminais in  Manaus Brazil. A great example of a remote  implementation with the project team based in Asia, it is  helping them boost productivity, improve the accuracy of  container inventory, and achieve higher overall  operational efficiency with the help of the advanced  container terminal features in OPUS Terminal. The  company also ensures the current customers are  continually cared for. Last year, it also helped a South Korean terminal operator to upgrade to its latest version of OPUS Terminal originally implemented in 2010. After  this TOS upgrade, the client has been operating stably,  improving the efficiency and convenience of operations  for operators. With these recent improvements in  conventional features of OPUS terminal combined with  Advanced Modules, the organization has implemented  and optimized processes through its Remote Go-Live  approach to ensure the safety of employees and associates during this pandemic which ensures the  clients’ timelines are met while operational disruptions  are kept to a minimum in spite of the ongoing travel  restrictions and social distancing guidelines. CyberLogitec’s proven in-depth industry knowledge,experience and innovation has led towards its position  as a leading provider of tech solutions covering the entire  transportation network. Today, its focus on TOS solutions  helps small ports bridge the efficiency gap to their larger  peers and prepares them for making the smart port  transition through advanced and future-proof features.  The industry is constantly changing and the past year  has been no different in that regard. CyberLogitec  continues to challenge itself to reinvent and be ready for  the new normal. As it begins to further introduce AI  technology and IoT integration into its product line-up,CyberLogitec is entrenching its leadership position by  widening its solutions suite,enabling it to explore new markets and opportunities. At CyberLogitec, their vision is  to be the industry’s partner choice for success and to help  steer customers towards a more automated and  optimized future. 
2021. 04. 06


Two Steps to Essential Visibility for Terminal Operators
In today’s world, visibility facilitates real-time awareness and acute foresight. In addition to empowering terminals with the ability to respond swiftly to any situations, whether to fix the problem or to seize an opportunity, visibility can also be used to predict outcomes and avert downtime or potential pain points, thus boosting daily operations.In the terminal business, where yard activities and cargo management are complex and dynamic, full visibility is critical, whether in 2D or 3D. For instance, smart Terminal Operating System (TOS) gives a clear view of cargo properties while advanced zoom functions provide important data that may be easily overlooked by the human eyes.Where terminals once operated by manual entries, it is no longer sustainable in today’s market. Visibility of yard operations is now an essential requirement to stay aligned with the rest of the industry, and there are two vital steps to reach operational transparencies.The First StepThe first thing to consider is standardization ? streamline operational processes, consolidate digital systems, centralized data sharing and automate core workflows.Adopting standardization enables terminals to optimize real-time work. Standardization will allow insights into daily operational processes to monitor disruptions or exceptions, track cargo locations, optimize shipping schedules and eventually build customer service. Information that points to inefficiencies can be quickly picked up to avoid potential disruptions as they are flagged out to operations personnel. This will minimize unnecessary costs and schedule delays, and effectively manage carbon footprint.The Next StepAs the global dependency on information sharing grows rapidly, therein lies the next step to develop best practices ? engaging technology.Businesses can easily standardize and integrate all processes to coordinate workflows, from bookings, inventory shipping and receiving to customs filing, accounting and performance reporting. Through a single-point platform, the solution supports process flexibility, improves movement visibility and reduces costs.Digital transformation is not just about technology, artificial intelligence and automation. It will bring changes and new challenges not only to the structure but also the culture of the organization. Naturally, security and privacy concerns will also be of high priority as they affect the throughput and integrity of the business.So how can companies safely and effectively harness the benefits of technology?Engage industry experts and solution consultants. Get an operational health check and recommendations tailored for your unique business operations.While change is inevitable, it should not be intimidating. With the right knowledge, suitable technology, and a positive mindset, these are tools that will help to ease the transition of change and propel business operations towards manifold returns on investment.Find out more about CyberLogitec’s terminal operating system ? OPUS Terminal today!
2021. 01. 14


Transform into Smart Port for the Post-pandemic World
The ‘new normal’ of terminal operations favors Terminal Operating Systems (TOS) that capitalize on web-based technology, especially in looking at a post-Covid-19 world.An Internet-enabled TOS like OPUS Terminal M facilitates terminals to shift away from the traditional, on-site hosted environment to cloud-based, SaaS offering. In so doing, terminals can spread out their IT expenditure and concentrate the investments towards the infrastructural assets needed for terminal operations. Furthermore, by unlocking the on-site constraint, terminals can now optimize on managing multiple sites via a single remote control center, lessening the reliance on rostering physical personnel presence to yield greater operational productivity & efficiency. The pandemic has been a timely awakening to terminals, and a new paradigm mindset is needed towards how a TOS and a terminal can be operated.OPUS Terminal M is a true multipurpose TOS that can handle all types of cargo operations ? from containers to general cargo, bulk (solid and liquid) to RORO. The TOS can support multiple terminals in one license, where each terminal can operate independently. OPUS Terminal M can also be configured for seaports, river ports and inland terminals as well.With 3D visualization, OPUS Terminal M allows terminals to view their yard situation from various angles and run filters to group containers and cargo according to pre-set criteria.The OPUS Terminal M comes with an Advanced Vessel Planning (AVP) feature for container vessels ? for optimising load/discharge plans, automating stowage planning, and maximising quay cranes deployment and cargo handling productivity. Vessel planners have the option to prepare several stowage plans for a single vessel after which a built-in evaluator can be used to identify which plan pattern can result in the most efficient operations.Other features of the integrated terminal operating solution include truck pooling to optimise truck assignments by considering the distance, waiting time, RTG workload and job priorities, a built-in gate appointment system, and an EDI translator with Excel upload capability.OPUS Terminal M is able to support all non-containerized cargo types, including associated vessel definitions and cargo storage options. Work sequences for bulk vessels can be defined in detail, including the setup of gangs with required equipment and human resources. Timesheets can be made available on tablets, resulting in real-time updates to vessel operations.Cargo storage can be easily set up, including open yards, warehouses, tanks and silos. OPUS Terminal M can interface with the SCADA systems of bulk handling systems to get real-time information on cargo flow and tank utilization.OPUS Terminal M’s rail functionality is evolving to allow for the planning of discharge and loading of cargo to and from rail cars.Another CyberLogitec’s product, Eagle Eye, is a data visualisation and IoT platform that can work with any TOS.Eagle Eye provides real-time assets monitoring, tracking and control, with its full-fledged Internet of Things (IoT) platform that supports varied RTLS (real-time location system) protocols such as DGPS, UWB and RFID.Users can benefit from automated operations, optimised job-stepping and process handover, as well as auto-capture and analysis of real-time location and movement of terminal equipment and assets to enable real-time analysis of operational bottlenecks and resources availability.The Eagle Eye is also fully compatible by integration with autonomous vehicles and equipment, with full 2D and 3D visualisation (digital twin) to provide virtual terminal visibility without the line-of-sight limitations of CCTVs.The safety and risk management via personnel and equipment metrics are in place to detect risks of collisions, straying out of zone, equipment breakdowns, and so forth.(This article was first published on Seatrade Maritime News)
2020. 12. 10


Working in Terminals During the Pandemic
The awareness of establishing and enforcing workplace health and safety practices has increased exponentially in the light of the COVID-19 outbreak, and it has become an acknowledged reality that this long-drawn pandemic has globally disrupted and redefined the work environment and work processes. Much of today’s port & terminal operations still require on-the ground personnel to manage and operate their operations control room, operate yard & berth equipment. While some ports and terminals may have responded well to the new normal, many are in fact still coming to terms with the challenges with social distancing and manpower resource rostering for alternating split work teams. Therefore, port & terminal operators will now have to more forcefully pursue measures to reengineer their operations by looking deeper into digitalisation of their operations.The current situation favours Terminal Operating Systems (TOS) that break away from traditional on-site, client/server installations, instead to capitalise on web-based technology. By hosting a cloud-based TOS that is accessible via browsers on laptops and mobile devices, greater workforce mobility and infrastructure resilience can be achieved.The New Normal of Manpower in Terminal OperationsWhile there are increasing evidence of automation of port operations to overcome reliance on manual operations, the technology for full automonous vehicles/equipment, and the infrastructural costs involved may still put it out of reach for many ports. Hence undeniably manual labour is still a significant factor to terminals operations, from operating container handling equipment and driving trucks, to physically removing cargo from containers.For such skill sets that require human resources to be physically on-site, a dynamic system for rostering of personnel would be very useful. Such a system would consider staff’s qualification, availability and previous rostering cycle to equitably distribute the terminal’s expected workload among employees. Teams can be setup so that the same people work in the same shifts on a regular basis, minimizing interaction between those who belong to other teams. In addition, terminals can space out break periods so that employees will not need to linger in big groups during meal times.For the protection of the workforce from Covid-19, terminals should adopt processes that would minimize contact between personnel and possible sources of infection like surfaces prone to human touch. These can range from simple face masks and gloves to full-blown protective gear depending on the situation. Stocks of these items should be managed effectively to enhance employee’s confidence that they are safe in the workplace. Disinfecting terminal equipment cabins should be a routine activity to ensure the safety of drivers and operators working in a closed environment. Likewise, devices like vehicle mounted terminals (VMT) and mobile devices (handheld terminals) should be disinfected before every change of user (shift change or any other occasion).Technologies are now available to automatically monitor the number people present in a certain area and these can be used to remind employees to maintain a minimum distance from one another. Similar systems can detect when personnel are not wearing safety vests, helmets and even face masks.Remote Work as a New Normal for TerminalsGiven that physical presence is required for the movement of cargo and containers, there is however a segment of the terminal’s workforce that can be empowered to work remotely. These include back office personnel ? finance and administration, documentation, billing and even key operational roles like vessel and yard planners.A cloud-based TOS would fit perfectly in a situation where personnel are forced to work remotely in the interest of maintaining social distancing. TOS functions accessed via browsers practically allow terminal personnel to work anywhere, provided an adequate security setup is in place.In addition, for terminal operating companies that run multiple sites, personnel that work remotely can be shared across facilities, as they are unhindered by limitations set by physical presence. In this case terminal operators not only realize savings in manpower and other resources, the employees are also spared from having to contend with congestion in public transport and even in the workplace.Even if the remote workforce is not shared between terminals in a multi-facility setup, personnel from different locations can play the role of backup to each other, resulting in a robust organizational setup where terminals can continue to operate in case the workforce in one site becomes infected.ConclusionThe path to the post-Covid world will be a prolonged process, which will not be without setbacks or uncertainties along the way. As the industry progresses into the new normal, it needs to go beyond the typical way of operational manpower rostering to adhere to good workplace safety and health practices. The fact is that the future of terminal operating solution is already within reach, and along with it, a new season of modifying human resource and operational policies that may, in the long-run, operate vastly different from what people are typically used to.An Opinion Piece by Carlo M.
2020. 09. 10


Entering a New Season: The Real Value of Digitalization
Covid-19’s wide-scale human quarantine and borders closure across countries has a devastating effect on the global economy and severely disrupted all international trade.  In a mere quarter between OCED’s Interim Economic Outlook report for Mar and Jun 2020, their forecast of global growth was first halved to 1.5% and subsequently to -13%.  In China alone, for the two months of Jan-Feb’2020, China’s Ministry of Transport reported a drop of 10.6% in container handling volume for entire China.  A similar scene unfolded at Long Beach, California, with Jun 2020 registering a 10% slowdown in handled volume, and its imports coming in 14% lower. Terminal operators and shipping companies are scrambling to cope with excess idle equipment and assets, while maximizing ‘healthy’ personnel deployment to operate the limited resources to ensure that global trade continues and essential food supplies, consumables, and medical supplies can reach the masses.Before the pandemic, the maritime sector was still reeling from the shift in the geopolitical and geo-economic status quo arising from the fallout from the Sino-US trade disputes.  Manufacturing hubs relocate to alternative venues like Vietnam, and China factories search for alternative demand markets.  The traditional norms of demand and supply markets were redefined.  Coupled with the surge in eCommerce and the more advanced pace of digitalization in the logistics and B-to-C space has raised the expectations of consumers on shipment efficiency and visibility.  Terminal operators and shipping carriers recognize more than ever the need not just for their internal digital transformation but as well for the broader digitalization of the entire supply chain.  As cliche as it may sound, we are only as strong as our weakest link.When Push Becomes a Shove to the Shipping and Terminal SectorsWith approximately 90% of world trade still handled by the maritime industry, terminal operators and shipping carriers will continue to have a critical impact on the integrated supply chain of today’s economy, which is in vital need of a digital ecosystem that facilitates seamless online transactions.  In this regard, the culmination of recent events has intensified the surge in the application of technology on business collaboration, necessitating terminals to optimize allocation and utilization of facilities and assets. At the same time, carriers maximize their shipping routes and vessel deployment to best-use their capacity in tandem.The increasing recognition of the need for connectivity within the supply chain is quickly redefining the status quo as these stakeholders attempt to build up their proprietary end-to-end connectivity to meet the expectations of consumers and cargo owners.  As witnessed from the spate of mergers and acquisitions across the supply chain, for example, DP Worlds’ wave of purchasing feeder operators (Unifeeder & Feedertech) and CMA-CGM’s acquisition of CEVA Logistics, etc., highlights the growing awareness of the need for a seamless supply chain integration. So what better way than to have it all under one roof?Besides M&A, there is also a proliferation of commercially-influenced platforms such as TradeLens, Calista, NYSHEX, etc. which extended the connectivity trend towards collaboration as supply chain stakeholders start to define and shape their interpretation of the “essential ecosystem” for the industry.  A pitfall with these platforms is that they do not represent the entire community and has limited business scope, resulting in functional and procedural overlaps that fuels confusion and frustration to the stakeholders who grapple with needing to subscribe to several, if not all of these platforms.These challenging times created the critical impetus for businesses to review their digital transformation blueprint, to reassess their adoption of technology and realign it with ensuring business resilience.  It is a case of either ride the digital wave or be drowned out by it.Is Technology the Silver Bullet?Besides connectivity and collaboration, shipping and terminal players have also been accelerating their adoption of automation, from the deployment of autonomous vehicles to replace manual operations to robotic process automation (RPA) or chatbots to remove & reduce manual interactions with application systems.Qingdao launched China’s first fully automated terminal operations in 2017 with a projection to handle up to 17mil TEU/year has since then registered 55% of operations efficiency and costs reduction of 48%.  Singapore PSA’s upcoming Tuas Mega Port expected to handle up to 65mil TEU/year when fully operational by 2040, built with heavy reliance on autonomous equipment, robotics, and artificial intelligence (AI).  With automation, operations become more resilient to disruptions arising from human-operations, circumventing labor issues, and health pandemic.With the surge in connectivity and automation, the urgency to have industrial or global standards is paramount to ensure that the digital landscape and ecosystem are still integral and congruent. Standards and protocols enable ease of data exchange within the supply chain and align the interpretation of the data while enforcing a strict regime on security.The recent much-publicized cases of cyber-attacks that crippled the business capacity of Maersk and MSC highlight the need for greater resilience and robust cybersecurity as we rely more on technology and digitalization.To avoid digitalization overlaps and misalignments, national-level support and industry-led initiatives will have to converge and form the foundation of a borderless ecosystem that incorporates industrial-wide standardization of messaging, processes, authentication, etc.Dawn of a New WorkforceIf there is a benefit gained from this pandemic, it is the adoption of telecommuting and remote workforce.  Businesses and enterprises which had initially doubted the suitability or practicality of it had either went belly-up during this period or survived by reinventing their business models and operational processes.  The proliferation of mobile applications and vehicle-mounted terminals has displaced the need for in-person contact for task assignments and instructions.With the advent of 5G, the boundaries and limits of telecommuting and remote workforce will be further redefined or even broken down.  Organizations will have to reassess how businesses will be run henceforth.  Terminals may no longer require a physical, on-site operations command center to manage each terminal. Instead of remote management via decentralized off-site command centers could oversee several terminals concurrently, which ensures greater operational resilience.  Shipping carriers that traditionally require documentation offices to transact with shippers, consignees for physical BLs issuance, DO collection, payments, etc., can now transmit & transact electronically with digital security features such as encryption, digital signatures, blockchain, etc.  Integrated & automated supply chain from fully-automated warehousing to drone delivery or autonomous trucks/rail/barge conveyance of cargo will encounter a reality shift to the logistics industry.A new chapter is beginning, and terminals and shipping carriers need to capitalize on these disruptive opportunities by incorporating digital transformation into their business strategies to gain a competitive edge.  A well-formulated digitalization roadmap must be infused with sound business policies and standards and aligned with their business goals and vision.Thought Leadership Article by Wai Mung L.
2020. 07. 27