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Offshore Development Service
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ODC Service is the service that executes and supports SW development, maintenance, and operation for customers across diverse industries by utilizing the competitive IT manpower in Vietnam. With the universalization of AI, IoT, Metaverse, and the rapid increase of online services, the demand for manpower in SW development is continuously increasing. It is challenging to hire the right person at the right time due to the limited manpower comparing to demand. Consequently, burdens on the company are increasing due to the rapid increase in labor costs.

We offer two types of service models.
1) Dedicated team offering model
Korean PM and ODC developers manage the service in line with the customer’s request. Based on many years of project experience, we can complete the project by communicating smoothly with experts in the offshore development center.
2) Development of manpower offering model
A convenient service that offers development manpower from our skilled development manpower provided the customer has sufficient development experience and it has a team capable of communicating the overseas manpower.

Experience Positive Outcomes

  • Secure the Required Manpower Quickly

    It is possible to secure the required manpower quickly. Desired manpower for development can be secured quickly based on our manpower pool.

  • Strengthen Customer’s Cost Competitiveness

    Significantly reduces the direct/indirect and opportunity costs that occur from labor costs, infrastructure, installation and business maintenance and expansion.

  • Successful Project Progress with Dedicated Korean PM

    Professional personnel with many years of PM experience prevent possible difficulties in advance and support the successful delivery of the project.

  • Flexible Manpower Operation for Customer through Various Options

    As per the customer’s request, various types of services, such as the dedicated team model and required development manpower offer model, can be provided. Also offers conversion support services between each model.


Capabilities and Features

  • Dedicated Team Service

    For mid to long-term customers, the dedicated customer team, including PM, provides specialized customer service development, maintenance, and operation work as needed.

  • Turn-key Project Service

    Korean PM and Vietnamese development manpower manages the complete project from architecture to implementation per the customer's requirements.

  • Development Manpower Provide Service

    The service provides development manpower for short to medium to long term. The target customer for the service either has the accumulated ODC project experiences or secured a sufficient number of their own project manpower.

  • SW Testing and Inspection Service

    A service to find errors and vulnerabilities by professional testers through the testing and inspection throughout the development project.


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